
Mauget's Feeder Tube

In This Issue:
1). Fall Fertilizer Injections.
              2). Fall Bacterial Disease Injections.
      3). Fall Anthracnose Injections.
    4). Fall Apple Scab Injections.
   5). Fall Insecticide injections.


Fall Fertilization Injections

Mauget's Fertilizers

Plants including trees and shrubs utilize nutrients throughout the year in different ways.

Fall is good time to inject your client’s trees with Mauget's Fertilizers / Micro-Nutrients.

Generally there are two time frames that are best to fertilize trees:
Early to Mid-Spring and Late Fall (when plants are going into dormancy).

Learn Why



Fall Bacterial Disease Injections

Mauget's Antibiotics

An Early Fall thru Late Fall application of Mauget's Mycoject Ultra will be in the tree the following Spring at the earliest stages of disease development.

Fight against bacterial infections such as:
Fire Blight, Ash Yellows, Bacterial Leaf Scorch, Phloem Necrosis, Lethal Yellows.

Learn Why 


Fall Anthracnose Injections

Mauget's Fungicides

diseases affect a wide variety of shade trees.
Fall applications of any of Mauget's effective fungicides, Fungisol, Arborfos or Tebuject 16 will be present and available in the trees system at the earliest stages of disease development, becoming available in the trees system exactly when needed early enough in Spring.

 Learn Why 


Fall Apple Scab Injections

Mauget's Fungicides

Apple Scab affects apple, crabapple,
pear and many other species of Malus
throughout North America.
The cool, wet weather that is common in early spring favors the development of apple scab.
Symptoms first appear in the spring as lesions on the leaf surface.

Learn Why


Fall Insecticide Injections

Mauget's Insecticides

As trees emerge from winter dormancy, many opportunistic insects emerge very quickly from there dormancy and hiding places. They can quickly build to alarming population rates before you notice them.
Fall injection applications of one of Mauget's long residual insecticides can stop them early in the spring and in some cases into the summer.
This is also the time that Pest Control Company's are most busy. A fall Injection treatment with one of Mauget's long residual insecticides can ease this time of year for applicators to focus on new customers and pests.
